A frustrating day today. Having waited 6 weeks to see a consultant regarding a wrist injury that just won't heal - the locum gp had booked me in to an ankle specialist. The me of yesteryear would have been quick to anger, but I'm pleased I've mastered that me (for the most part), and paraphrasing Al Capone I believe you do get further with a kind word than a gun. A frank discussion has led to an MRI being booked by the ankle specialist and my case being referred across to the right department, all without going back to Dr Dunce. The ankle consultant was really rather nice. A yin goes with every yang.
A detour via the newly reopened Pendragon Castle lifted my spirits and being able to sit out in the garden for afternoon tea, was a treat. This little fellow was very cautiously watching us from deep in the willow, I think he may well be one of last summer's kittens.
Philosophy Friday
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.
Charles Darwin.
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