I turned the picture, used a filter called Pittsburg, and changed the colours just a bit.
Now it is my contribution for the Abstract Thursday Challenge, with many thanks to youoregon1 for hosting and never failing to give the most wonderful comments. It is a feast to visit the gallery, every week.
Today again a wonderful sunny day.
Piet Hein and I went in the morning for a walk along the beach. It felt somehow mediterranean to me. Because of the celebration of 'Bevrijdingsdag' (the liberation of The Netherlands in 1945) people were in good spirits and the dogs (there were many) enjoying their games in and out the sea.
In the afternoon we slept again for a short time. It seems that the adaption to the dutch environment will take some days. No problem of course, as we have plenty of time here. No garden jobs to do, or going for long walks. The bike ride to the beach is easy, although we have to climb the rather high dunes.
The highlight of our walk was the appearance suddenly of the head of a seal, not far from the coast. In fact that animal was looking piercingly to us. It has been a really long time since we had seen a seal swimming, one or two years I think. Extra photo of that pretty little head.

My haiku:

See the seal appearing
And down she went and up she
Came, diving for fish

And the quote by Edwin Markham in Virgilia, 1905:

The Sea is Woman, the Sea is Wonder -
Her other name is Fate.

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