What a Wednesday!

Slept ok, both still blocked up and coughing, but once we were showered, with the help of olbas oil sprinkled in the shower, we were good (ish) to go! Literally here there and everywhere today!

I popped over to youngest sons, he's hoping to get back to work in a couple of weeks:-). I took DiLs birthday cards and gifts over as we are away for her birthday. I stayed for lunch before driving home again. Hub stayed home as daughter was calling in with Emily's overnight bag and her toys and games for tomorrow. She only went back to school yesterday and she is off tomorrow, as the school is being used as a Polling Station.

We spent a while in the garden, the sun was lovely and warm. then we went to collect Emily from After School Club.........we took her to MacDonalds for tea, something we very rarely have ourselves, but once in a blue moon is ok. Emily had an Iced Frappe with cream and caramel sauce as her drink!!

Afterwards we went home, played a while in the garden....then I snook off to get my blip!
When I got back hub and Emily were playing cards......he had taught her to play Clock Patience. I used to love playing it as a child. She soon got the hang of it and after four attempts, managed to "get out" much to her delight :-)

It's been a glorious almost summers day, warm and bright...the end of the day, not a cloud in the sky :-)

This is Beetham Tower, otherwise known as The Hilton Hotel in Manchester. My contribution to Bobslips wide angle Wednesday challenge.

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