Lovely evening light on St. Lukes

A broken nights sleep, with snuffles and coughing for both of us.......we had to be up sharpish though as we had a man coming to quote for new fence panels, between us and our neighbours, and I was off to Pilates then on to see Mum, with sis.

Pilates was a bit tougher than usual, as I have not done it for a couple of weeks....and as soon as I lay on my front, I started coughing :-/ but I got through it and felt better for it, sis struggled through too, her sprained foot is still not right!

We picked mum up, then went for some lunch, before our usual sauntering and shopping ;-)
I spent a few hours with mum once sis had gone home. We watched a DVD, chatted and I made dinner, battered haddock, small new potatoes, roasted and mushy peas, followed by an M& S count on us Jaffa dessert, which was rather lovely :-)

The weather has got gradually sunnier and less windy, as the day has gone on and by the time I was almost home, the sky was blue and the late sunshine lovely..........hence this evenings shot of St. Lukes more here if you're interested ;-)

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