
By Mindseye

Alpine Armeria

Well, hurrah, a good nights sleep for both of us and it has stopped raining! The sun has broken through from time to time, and it is much warmer than yesterday :-)

Quick run out for a couple of things for dinner this morning, followed by a read of the papers, with a nice frothy coffee :-)
Hub is improving and he has cut down on the painkillers.

After lunch we both ventured into the garden, still needed a micro fleece, but pleasant. The frogs were sat on the side of the pond, a sure sign it's warmed up :-) Hub has finally managed to plant up all his tomatoes, cucumbers, chillis, runner beans, radishes, lettuce and more potatoes. One of our two compost bins has seen better days, and it finally collapsed this afternoon!! We have been gradually using the contents, but it was still at least a third full when the front fell off!!! Somehow hub managed to bang his head whilst shovelling it into wheelbarrows and trugs.....no damage done though ;-)

I planted up a new sage, and two pots of a new grass in the pond, that a friend kindly gave me. I refilled the dustbin we use to store our topsoil mixed with container compost and grow more, then planted up the first trough for by the front door, with trailing begonias, many more containers, troughs and baskets to be done. They will be put into the greenhouse or garage at night, if there's a remote chance of frost! Hopefully I will get chance to do a few more tomorrow!

Our back garden gets sun on the shaded border late afternoon, so I took a few shots of backlit flowers, but decided on,this lovely little, rather tufty alpine......another flower that looks as though it's made of tissue paper. They are so tiny, but ever so pretty. Their underside reminds me of a bee :-)

Hope you're all enjoying your Sunday, and Monday too, come to think of it!

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