simple pineapple...

...useful for so many things

not only is it pretty - at least to me... pineapple is good for you on about 7 different counts...

1 - packed with vitamins and minerals... including - vitamin a, vitamin c, calcium, phosphorus and potassium - boo!
2 - prevents coughs and colds... due to being high in that good 'ole vitamin c - it'll fight off viruses for you...
3 - strengthens bones... contains manganese - which is a trace mineral that your body needs to build bones and connective tissues...
4 - keeps your gums healthy... anything to ward off visiting the dentist!
5 - lowers risk of macular degeneration... if you include pineapple in your diet - you'll lower your risk of this disease by about 36%...
6 -alleviates arthritis... pineapple has anti-inflammatory qualities - so be sure to include it to reduce the pain of this ailment...
7 - improves digestion... bromelain found in pineapples work to neutralize fluids so they're not too acidic - and keeps your digestive track healthy...

all this from simple pineapple... who knew? some of this i was aware of - but not all of it... i was more into the cooking aspects of pineapple - using it or its juice for marinating - in salads - grilling it - on ice cream sundaes - those kinds of things... but how can you possibly ignore all these wonderful health benefits as well? it's amazing what this fruit can do for us... if you like it, begin to include it in your diet and reap the benefits - make it...


happy day.....

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