1 simple butterfly...

...was all

that flitted by me - back in the scouraging mess which causes what i now fondly refer to as my "stupid rash"... yes, i still wander there - i feel i must - for there are too many photo opportunities waiting - calling my name...

case in point - this butterfly - and granted - there was just the 1... no others about for i looked - and this 1 was persnickity - it landed for the most brief moment i've ever experienced - allowing me to click off a mere 3 shots - not even checking to see if they were in focus or if the settings were right from the previous shots i'd been taking or anything - i was completely caught off guard - but isn't that the way it goes - out in nature - you must roll with the punches - and so after that - this 1 goes flitting off - though i tried hard to engage in some butterfly whispering - it paid no nevermind to my attempts - it was moving on to better things - i'll bet it had been forewarned regarding the stupid rash caper -

doesn't matter, though - fortune was on my side for a change - proving i can have a steady hand when the chips are down - 'cuz those 3 precious pictures all ended up looking okay after all - so i really didn't have to do any butterfly calling, yet it was good practice for the next time - plus it made for...


happy day.....

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