Hucking Woods

It's time for a bluebell shot. A lovely day weatherwise that turned out better than expected. What could be more pleasant than a walk through woodlands beginning to burst with bright, new growth and carpeted with swathes of bluebells.

Many other people thought so too, there were many groups strolling through the woodland glades enjoying the sunshine and the fragrance of bluebells. Shame the pub wasn't open. The Hook and Hatchet has led a chequered existence, open, then closed, then open again. It is currently closed but undergoing refurbishment by another set of owners. The pub is right next to the Hucking Woodland Trust but so isolated; not the sort of place to be going mid week in winter. Good luck to them.

A leisurely afternoon, preparing the Sunday dinner, a chat to Chris in California and quite a relaxing evening once all the washing up had been tackled (no dishwasher you see) and enjoyed watching Paul Merton's Secret Stations, where he visits some of the 150 or so request stops on Britain's railways. I'd just finished reading Tiny Stations by Dixie Wills in which he describes his journey from Cornwall to Thurso visiting many of these isolated request stops. Paul met him at one such station for a chat. I wonder if the series was based on or inspired by Dixie's book?

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