Geoff's aubretia

Another packed day today. Gym first then down to the allotment for a spot of tidying and digging. I'd already cleared the brassica plot, now it needed digging. One of the plotholders, Vernon, died last month after a long illness. His sweetpeas have appeared on my blip.

He was a long serving plotholder, growing dahlias and sweetpeas amongst other things on his plot. His plot has now been taken over by a new tenant who doesn't want all the dahlias or their posts, so it has been a case of recycling and reusing stuff from Vernon's plot. A bit like the vultures hovering over a kill waiting to dive in!

Finally we went for what was supposed to be a short walk but turned into a 5 mile stroll. This was taken in our street mainly to show how Geoff's construction from March last year has developed. It's a shame aubretia only flowers for a short time and not all year around.

After turning up for a meeting a week early on Wednesday, we were planning to go to Twickenham tomorrow for the final of rugby's national Intermediate Cup between the team I used to play for - Maidstone and a team from Bridgnorth - my home county. For some reason I checked on the club's website to find the game is on Sunday!

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