Whatever next?

Seen in one of our highly popular discount supermarkets today, a whole Serrano ham. £29, a bargain or there's even a luxury ham for over £40. Stores like Aldi and Lidl have risen to prominence over the past few years outperforming the established supermarkets.

Once the preserve of cheap, lookalike foods, these stores now sell stuff that equals the best provided by the others. As well as still selling the basics very cheap.
We didn't buy one, carrying it home in my rucksack would have been a touch difficult even for me, who has carried home a turkey and a 9 litre tin of paint before now. Not at the same time obviously.

After lunch, I spent the afternoon at the allotment, earthing up the spuds, sowing lavatera, parsnips and beetroot as well as planting out a few lettuces, cutting rhubarb and purple sprouting,m and mowing and edging the grass. And getting caught in a thunderstorm on the way home on my bike.

Enjoyed a very good Saturday evening though with chicken balti and the aforementioned purple sprouting and a drink or two.

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