Little Kingdom

By icemaiden

Oscar & Holly

Today we went to Oscar & Holly's Coffee House for lunch. I hadn't told hubby why I was dragging him to the West End for coffee but he enjoyed it when he saw it. Our children are called Oscar & Holly coincidentally for anyone who doesn't know. I asked the girl serving us where the name was from and she said it was named after the original owner's 2 dogs!! We were not surprised! It was a child friendly cool place and H quickly tagged on to a few other kids and spent most of our visit running in and out of the side door .

Afterwards we went to Victoria Park at H's request. She played on the swings mostly, but also went down the big chutes, played on the pirate ship, the rope swing, the basket swing, and climbing frames. We all went on the big rocking see-saw thing - hubby and O on one side and H and myself on the other. We got ice-cream cones and kicked the ball around before heading home. It turned out to be a lovely, sunny day too which was great!

Hubby finished decorating O's room tonight so tomorrow we can build his cot and start to get the house organised again which will be a relief. It's chaos just now!

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