St George's Day

Soooo yesterday The Boy had his birthday 'party'. 4 of his friends and he went to the local climbing wall then came back here for pizzas and a sleepover. As ever, the word sleep is perhaps an exaggeration.

I took Smallest to his swimming lesson while MrRoly fed the youths. They all left at 11 only to meet up an hour later in town. Whatever.

Meanwhile we played chicken relocation - the pecking us nasty so Snowy is now on her own in the big run and Ginge has moved in with Sylvie. The 2 big chickens are not especially fox proofed but needs must. We will try re-introducing them all once Snowy's wound has healed.

As it is St George's Day, my Scouts all paraded this evening. Very proud of them all as ever, they all accepted that they had to go even if they didn't want to - it is part of Scouting and they don't get to pick just the good bits!

MuckyDs for the kids and a meal out at Oliver's for MrRoly and I - a belated anniversary gift to ourselves! Happy days.

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