
I woke early so got up and let Tilly and Polly out ( I changed her name from Pip, she doesn't seem to care!) made myself a coffee, went back to bed and turned the electric blanket on and opened the window wide so I could watch the sunrise. I was rewarded with the mist flowing down river,  the sun coloring the clouds and sending the mist upriver, and a rainbow! I then fell asleep and had weird dreams of a walk in wardrobe, a room with an old piano, a room unopened for years and filled with dust and black spores which were sucked outside when I opened the window! All this in a house I had been renting but rooms I had never gone into before! I remember feeling quite peeved as  I was shortly moving! This meant I woke in a strange mood! 
The mood didn't get any better when Polly decided to repeatedly announce she had lain an egg! I shushed her, I showed her the egg she had laid, I took her out the coop, I put her in the coop, I shushed her and at one point I threatened her with being sent to the allotment! I finally locked her in the conservatory and waited for Tilly to announce she had lain an egg as she had spent all this time in the nesting box as soon as Polly had laid - and was in fact sitting on Polly's egg when I retrieved it! Time was getting on so in the end I put Polly back and  left Tilly laying! As it was sunny but chilly I hoped he neighbours had their doors and windows shut and would not be disturbed - it really is a screeching, irritating noise! 
The party was nice - so many cakes! I met up with the nurses from my last school who knew the birthday girl and  family from when she used to have respite in our residence facility. I got all the latest gossip - safeguarding measures have gone mad and the "fun" quite gone from the school.  
Once home I tried to have a snooze   as Tilly and Polly wandered to and fro, but  Tilly kept jumping on me once more! I wouldn't mind if she just jumped up but she has to  peck at my clothes and I seem to have to give her permission! 
I'm feeling tired and still in a peculiar, disgruntled mood - so tea and an early night! 

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