
By Madchickenwoman

Happiness is...

...a dust bath on a hot and sunny Easter day! Good to see Izzy out of the coop enjoying herself as she is still broody and when I eject her from the coop she is bullied by all the other girls! I gave the girls their Easter treats - straw apricots and apples! ( The apricots were tasteless and had gone wrinkled, when will I learn there is no point buying them!) Izzy was so funny with the apricot she found - she picked it up in her beak and ran away with it - of course the other girls chased after her and eventually she dropped it! I had an easter treat too - I found a bag hanging on my door from Vegan Jo with a knitted blue chicken in it! 
4 hours spent breaking my clods of earth down, digging 5 trenches and planting my potatoes! I did also weed my herb patch and of course play with the chickens now and again!
Home to hoover the house top to bottom and make the beds and was just about to have something to eat before going up to put the girls to bed when I got a phonecall. The train my cousin and her friend were catching from Bristol actually left in the morning not the evening as they thought! So I had to go and pick them up from plymouth as there was no train out to Calstock at that time! So shower, made scrambled eggs in a warmed hot cross bun wrapped in foil to keep it warm - up to the girls and then into Plymouth eating my bun as I drove!
We all had an alcoholic beverage when we arrived back at mine and after a long chat bed at 2 am absolutely shattered!

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