Sunshine On A Rainy Day

Poppy went back to school today and it was pouring with rain this morning so all my good intentions of going on a long dog walk went out of the window. I dropped her off in the car after a frantic search for a missing piece of maths homework.
With the house to myself again it was time to get on with cleaning, tidying and emptying the travel bag which was still laying in the middle of our bedroom floor where it had been dumped last Friday.

The Nutribullet arrived today and Alfie and I had limited success with the ingredients we had available to us. We discovered that raspberry seeds don't blend down very well so make your juice a bit gritty and Alf experimented with apples and made something akin to cold sick.
I've put in an order for lots of fruit and veg which is arriving tomorrow so we'll hopefully create something a little more palatable. 

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