View from my window this evening

After a long lie in this morning, I went to St Andrews. I had to collect the new hoover from the agency, get some euros and buy a few things I needed for my holidays.

The weather was cold and grey, so I didn't stay long in St Andrews, just long enough for my errands.

Back home I had some lunch and a wee siesta and then took the recyclable rubbish to the recycling bins. Hoovered the flat with the new hoover and then I started to pack my luggage. I'm half way through it.

The weather was totally uninspiring for photography, so I resorted to the view from my window, which you have seen a few times.

I'll finish packing after this and I'll go early to bed as I have to get up early tomorrow for a long journey from Anstruther to Barcelona.

Hoping for sunnier and warmer weather over there.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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