Lali's World

By Lali

Tied boat

Although it was rather cloudy and grey in the morning, it turned lovely and sunny later on. There were lots of people in Anstruther enjoying the sunshine and eating ice creams and fish and chips. The famous chippie had a long queue that continued outside. The Wee Chippie was much quieter because it's not famous but, to my opinion, much better...

I had a long lie in bed this morning and a very lazy day spent mostly at home. I just went outside for a wee walk to enjoy the sunshine and take some photos.

There were also lots of bikers with amazing motorbikes, big as cars (couple of shots in the extras).

Need to start getting everything ready for my holidays next week. Going to St Andrews tomorrow.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts. I hope you all had a nice weekend! :)

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