Anarchy vs. Structure

Complete anarchy can result in a disastrous situation, but a bit of disorganization and caos here and there just to break the structure of things a little bit can sometimes be fun... Children know this much better than adults, haha! :)

This made me think of the Ceilidh I went to last night. It was lots of fun. Although the ceilidh dances are pretty much structured, when some folk don't have a clue about what they're doing and chaos ensues, it can be hilarious! It happened at some point... Usually someone in the band will explain the dances to the audience before they start; however, some people are better at following instructions than others... hahaha! :)

My body was aching this morning from the dances last night, by the way, and I've been feeling pretty tired all day, so I haven't done much today. I've finally managed to transfer all my contacts from my old phone to the new one but it took me ages!

The weather was all over the place today, with sunshine, wind and showers. I managed to catch the hailstones when I went outside to take a few photos, lucky me! 

This photo was taken with my dslr, as opposed to my latest blips that were taken with my new phone. You can compare the results if you want..

Thanks very much for all your nice comments, stars and hearts yesterday, I hope you all had a good day and are enjoying your weekend! :)

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