A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Action Pup

The possibility of a diagnosis and the tantalising closeness of a treatment plan seems to have lifted a weight from the boy's shoulders. He isn't any less tired but I think he is happier. And this seems to be manifesting itself in a desire to teach Albi tricks. Today we worked on her jumping skills. She picked it up pretty quickly so our job now is to come up with the next thing.

I'm honestly not sure what else I have done today as I have spent most of it in a sort of fog of an emotional hangover, keeping pinching myself and reminding myself that it really is true that we may have an answer. Or at the very least a part of an answer that could make an actual real difference. This morning I took Albi for a lovely long walk along the river and to the park in glorious, actually properly warm, sunshine and I listened to some fabulous tunes and I allowed myself to let some happiness in.

Carl headed up to Norfolk to bring Anna and the bass gang back on the train which was, apparently, and probably not surprisingly, an experience. But all went well, our little bassist is home and we have been updated with all her news. Bass camp was declared a success, has increased her love of playing and only dropped a .5 mark to score 9.5 as it wasn't long enough. Most importantly she has learnt how to carry the double bass herself. Even when pulling a suitcase and with a backpack. Result!

Oh, and I remember I ate my lunch in the garden reading the newspaper. And I did try to catch up on some of the work I completely failed to do yesterday but not with a great degree of success. It would have been nice to feel back on track but I know it'll get done eventually.

And frankly given how things are going I can always fall back on the performing dog career option. Might need to work on her form a bit.

Lesley x

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