The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Here they are!

How about a fox blip, if only to prove they're still here! Lots of foxy visitors today, including poor Jack whose face is looking very bad again.

My first day with mum and Maisie - it's quite hard work trying to keep everyone happy - but mum's on good form so it could have been worse.

It was mum's 89th birthday yesterday - but we agreed to celebrate it today and she enjoyed all her cards and presents - and gooey chocolate pudding!

Maisie's toilet habits are hugely improved, hoorah, but I'm finding her whining and crying through the night absolutely heart breaking - poor little girl - but I really need her to stay overnight in her crate.

Now mum's home I've also decided it's best if Maisie goes out to her yard for half an hour morning and  night while I deal with mum. She complains a bit about that too ..  Oh the guilt!

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