The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Poor, beautiful Jack

I feel so sad about Jack - I've started him on a different kind of antibiotics and will have another crack at trapping him, but I'm not hopeful. With an open wound like that, and the days warming up it's very likely to become infested with maggots and unless he's caught before that happens, it will probably be the end of him.

Meanwhile I don't really feel that I'm doing a good job for my mum, my dog or my foxes .. I'm spread too thinly on all fronts ..

I took Maisie to the park this morning (forgetting to feed her first, thereby mucking up the rather successful eat/walk/poo regime that was beginning to happen)

I took the corkscrew stake and a long (9 metre) line and attached her to it and tried to engage her in some playing and chasing - but she's far too interested in what's going on around her and the smells and the passing dogs to be very interested. And as for clicker training - I've just abandoned that for now - but she comes when called and will sit for a treat.

I'm speaking to more people now, with a dog in tow, than I ever did before. Mum was feeling miserable and said she wanted new people to talk to (I'm finding her incredibly difficult to talk to these days - she enjoys rabbiting on and on - but is talking complete and utter cobblers, and all I can do is occasionally interject with 'Gosh' 'Really?' 'I don't think so' and other such meaningless comments.

A friend dropped by in the afternoon to meet the puppy, who continues to enchant everyone who meets her ..

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