The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

My life seems rather dog centred at the moment!

Things are definitely improving - Maisie's settling in and I'm better at reading her .. she was very good when I left her out in her yard while I got washed and dressed and had a bit of a tidy around ..

She's a little sweetie - friendly to all the people and dogs we meet on our walks.

I'd meant to leave her at home, in the yard, while I went to pick up mum - but as I drove off I saw her little face peering out, and went back to collect her.

The care home are very keen on dogs and asked me to take Maisie in - everyone loved her. Mum was a bit confused, but ended up coming home with me, and seemed to be fine by the time I took her up to bed.

Maisie cried and cried last night when I left her in her closed crate over night - I hope she feels better about it this evening.

Today is mum's 89th birthday - whch we've agreed to celebrate tomorrow 

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