The Joining of the Origins

I slipped into the day - more or less - without an early beaming start. But nevertheless, several tasks or services have been completed. Which makes it a very worthy day. The sky kept covered with thick grey blankets. But the Nortwestern had lost its icy character, so after groceries there was a good opportunity to combine some walking and render a service.

After our discovery of the Höllenbach Origin the day before yesterday, I realized an omission: leaving the well polluted with rusty iron and a plastic jerrycan. Carelessly thrown away there a long time ago in the fresh welling water. So there we went on our way to fullfill this Mission-O. A most humble service to the magic of welling, Originating the pure streaming of water, brooks, streams, rivers.

First we followed the neighbouring Hainbach upstream to discover its Origins: Wonderful Sacred Eyes amidst a wet grassy field. Weeping Eyes full of Welling Tears, just breaking through from its Pupils, half-covered under green grassy lashes. Call it Revelation or Miracle. It made me happy and silent. After a while, then we continued our climbing pathway uphill, downhill into the neighbouring valley. Down to the hidden sacred bush formation at the foot of the Hölleberg. And there my heart again rejoyced: the Höllebach Well

I removed the iron and plastic waste from the small stream, saw more waste: a heavy piece of tractor-tire and moved it aside under a tree. Relief on completing this O-Mission and saluting our stream spirits, we set for the return walk: uphill and downhill again. Following the Hainbach track to our starting point. That will do for today. “All shall be Well and All will be Well”.

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