The Little Man...Getting His Shot

Another busy day. A bike ride with Papa, some swim time with Grandma, some camera time with Papa, and some sunset time with both of us. (Whew...I'm tired just writing about it.)

I tried to talk to Merrick this afternoon about centering his subject, and about filling his frame, and I will admit...he got a couple of pretty good shots.

But, what a little grub. He can't seem to go to the beach without getting both wet and sand-covered. He got carried over the threshold when we got home...and right into the bathtub.

In this shot, he was practicing his stalking approach. Take a shot...move two steps closer...then...repeat. For a few extras of his front side, and a few more birds...go to my Flickr page. My alternate blip would have been the web feet of the pelican.

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