At the back door.

Little Miss is now an expert in her baby walker , in which she throughly investigated my kitchen in this afternoon. We have a slight step up to the back door which thankfully was enough to stop her from investigating the garden too. Goodness how she zooms around in it and is very good at backing too! Also excellent space awareness. This all bodes well for Mr Tbay Jnr as I can see her being an excellent tractor driver!!

Farming - two hauling compost and Rusty out muck spreading again. The Mr Tbays tried to repair hydraulics on the 6270 but had to admit defeat. Graham, the man who can, was called upon who quickly identified the problem as a small electrical wire which has worn through.

Miss Whiplash visited today to give me another going over. I should be just fine in the morning. Feeling a tad battered at present.

What's in the bag ???? I forgot to tell what was in the Highgrove bag for Mr Tbays birthday. Well it was a pair of bottles of Highgrove Champagne which I can tell you was rather nice! In another Highgrove Box lay an invitation to a Champagne Tea and guided tour of Highgrove Gardens! Needless to say the birthday boy was more than happy!!

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