
By TBay

The old workhorse

Mr TBay always takes the rubbish bins and recycling out with the Massey. He renovated the link box a few years ago, well when I say renovate total rebuild would be more the truth!

Today I have been anxiously awaiting news from Blip . At least we have a better idea as to what has happened. I am feeling a tad more optimistic that blip will survive in some form. Not too sure what I would do without it! I am a blip addict !

Farming- Two out hauling compost. Shed building still Mr TBay Jnr's main job at present.

Mr TBay had a meeting this morning , and spent the afternoon shed building too. Currently pipe laying and cable planting.

I am very excited as yesterday we booked our tickets for our trip to Oz! All very exciting! We will be heading down under in late September.

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