
By Dwelody

The Human Tetris Roadtrip

Today we had to say goodbye to our beloved Greg...very sad indeed...we were told tears weren't allowed...it was hard. He wouldn't let us leave though without having one more shot and a photograph sesh. Bless him. We will make sure we see him again soon!

So today's task...1 car...6 people...a ridiculous number of bags...get from Bled, to Bohinj then Ljubljana. Being a small car this would be interesting. We were lined up by Bart and given our orders on seating arrangements - Louise and Gerret in the front and Jeroen, Bart & Dimitri in the back, with a Melody on Dimitri's knee! To say it was cosy was an understatement...Melody was worried the damage she was inflicting on Dimitri would be permanent!

Luckily he was still in one piece when we stopped for lunch at the beautiful lake in Bohinj. Being crazy Belgians...it was no ordinary lunch... Bart decided Dimitri was to marry Melody and have 5 sons called Bart, Jeroen, Gerret, Dimitri Junior and Greg, then began a round of speeches where everyone took turns to stand up and proclaim their love for one another and tell everyone their highlights of our days together...this included reminiscing over Bart's pulling technique 'I am a famous Belgian Jockey'....Dimitri's 'Diver' dance move (it's a classic) and Jeroen and Bart's Jockey dance (to go with the pulling technique obviously)...it was beautiful *sniff*.

After lunch we resumed our human tetris and headed up the hills; however...after passing some struggling cyclists we hurriedly stopped...piled out...and began cheering on the cyclists trying to get up the hill! This included Bart and Dimitri running alongside the cyclists - feeding them water to keep them going whilst we all whooped...the cyclists loved it!

Getting to the base of the walk to the waterfall, the maturity levels were still running high, with Dimitri finding his water gun...this escalated to the boys throwing litre bottles of water all over each other and getting soaked. We finally made it to the top of the walk and it was stunning! A great opportunity for some family photos of the crazy crew - from left to right, Dimitri (with water pistol), Dwyer, Gerret (designated driver of this lot...poor guy), Bart (Belgian's famous Jockey), Melody and the wonderful Jeroen...

After the waterfall, we successfully completed our trip to Ljubljana...with 6 people and all limbs attached. Here's to our last night together before going our separate ways...you boys have certainly made our trip memorable...it will be hard to say goodbye....

Much Love,

Dwelody xx

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