Seen Through the Glass Darkly

Yes, I am that kind of person, the one who peers through windows to look into other lives.
With it being Sunday and nobody about, I was able to indulge my predilections by looking through the windows of Sky Scanner and marvelling at the banks of computer screens at which people sit all day every day ( except Sunday), like automatons in a horrible brave new world setting.

What intrigued me most were the inferences I could draw about the absent automaton occupying the desk nearest my camera.
I wager it is male, one who can leave a jacket or other cover carelessly slung over the chair, who possibly buys a pint of milk on the way to work to have breakfast of fruit and fibre at its desk, who harbours hopes of donning the trainers at the side of the desk and executing a quick circuit of the Meadows at lunch time, who has shares in Toblerone and keeps an inordinate number of bars under its desk to fill those energy dips, and who sits beside another automaton, possibly female, who likes clean teeth and wants to stay in the EU.

His Lordship and I felt quite continental today with the mild weather and the number of French rugby fans in town to watch the Scotland - France rugby match at Murrayfield. Dare we hope?

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