Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Doily spider

Spider week - day 6, last chance to view day 2 folio.

For want of a better name, until I get internet in the house, the time required for identification is restrictive. The doily spider has proven a very popular feature in the folio's, extracting more comments than anything else, so I decided to bring it forward to blip status.

I decided to get creative and catch the early morning sun in the foreground, hoping for some dew highlights. This turned out to be a bad idea, this spider is, for some unknown reason, very difficult to photograph even in the best lighting conditions.

All in all, a very disappointing day, with a huge percentage of shots relegated to the bin. I even had to go out for a second session to gather enough material for the folio. I did capture another death tango performed by a pair of stick spiders, as previously blipped. Also in folio a couple of different spiders. So, I hope the doily meets with your approval.

All today's spiders were shot in the rice paddy.


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