I wanted to do the NZ SCAUP or Black Teal ( as we also call them today) and this is it - they are one of NewZealands Endemic birds ( meaning only found in NZ ) They are our smallest duck and the only true diving duck we have.

The males are recognised by their bright golden eye and the hens eyes are brown. I found this one in the Ferrymead Canal, there usually is a pair so I came to the conclusion that mother is away in the foliage( somewhere not far away ) sitting on her spring eggs.

When they dive I've noticed they stay under anywhere from 20 - 40 seconds feeding on the weed bottom for weed and invertebrates. They can also b e found feeding for similar on the surface.6-10 eggs - incubation 28 days.
very pretty little birds ! Kiwis of course - no not the birds the blokes and blokess's.
rgds poo

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