Today was another OBBC ( oldbuggarsboatclub) day and was held at the Ferrymead Yatch Clubs' venue at Ferrymead. This is a nice little lake reasonably well exposed to a moderate breeze - as it proved today. The main purpose was to try out our 1Mtr boats against each other but turned into a match race between the J Boats (seen here ) and the 1 metre boats. Six members took part (3 1 mtrs and 3 J class ) and I do believe the J Boats might have carried the day.

The boats are all pretty high tech. - radio controlled with two channel controls for rudder and sails. The rules of yatching apply and I'm pleased to report that all the sailing took place on the water and not in the court room!! No protests were received by the racing committee and a very pleasant afternoon was had by all - with Capt Kermit shouting coffee at the end of the day !! bad luck capt mellow/yellow- you missed out on a latte !!

rgds poo

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