I liked the curves the curtain made. My contribution to the Abstract Thursday challenge, hosted by youoregon1. I thank him heartely for his never failing dedication.
We awoke to see a layer of snow upon the earth. Not so much on trees or bushes. And after yesterday's bright weather we were amazed of the sight of a grey sky.
Nevertheless I collected leaves, again, in the garden. And read my book, but not on the balcony of course.
In the afternoon we drove to Herstelle for a walk over the wide plain with pretty views. No too much wind, so it was rather a pleasant walk.
In the far distant we saw the top of the hills still covered with snow.

My haiku:

From top till valley
And up again never stop
A life time's challenge

And the proverb:

Turnagain Lane.

1531  Tindale, Expos. St. John.

This in old records is called Wind-again Lane,  and lieth in the parish of St. Sepulcre's, going down to Fleet-dike; which men must turn again the same way they came, for there it is stopped.
The proverb is applied to those who.....must seasonably alter their manners.

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