The Road to Recovery

After my visit to David Lloyd last weekend, I applied for the membership through work. The downside is, I can't use the gym before 1st April as it takes that time to arrange the salary sacrifice etc. But to cut a long story short, after a phone call to the general manager at the Brighton gym, I managed to get a temporary membership set up from today.

So after my radiotherapy treatment I went straight to David Lloyd and started on my road to recovery. I'm not doing anything too energetic, just starting slowly, but it felt really good and after a message from Alan saying 'Go Girl', I felt quite emotional. Emotional in a good way though - I feel in control of my life once again!

This afternoon my friend Tannie came to visit bearing gifts - flowers and chocolates, and as it's been another sunny day we took the boys for a walk at the beach. It was cold and we even had a sprinkling of snow this morning, but it was very sheltered at the beach with the cliffs, so we sat outside Molly's cafe and had a hot chocolate to warm up.

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