Singing for Her Supper...Getting Rid of Her Supper

It was a tough Blip choice today. Since it was only 51F when we got up, we decided to take a drive along the seashore.

On our way there, we stopped at an old convention center. It was advertising a stamp show.

These stamp people are some SERIOUS people. Many work off of the list that they brought with them. What stamps they need, how much they're worth, and how much they are willing to spend. Plus, many of the people bring stamps with them to try to sell to the dealers. It's interesting to listen to the back and forth.

Along the shore, we stopped and bought a sandwich to eat by the ocean, sharing our picnic table with a begging squirrel. Then we saw some neighborhood peacocks.

Sooooo...stamps, peacocks, a little blue heron, or ospreys?

The pooping osprey won out.

P.S. As an old mailman, I did end up buying about 12 dollars worth of stamps. A sheet of pretty animals, and a few that were around back when I was delivering the mail. Check out the other pictures on my Flickr page.

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