The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Aimlessness ..

I suppose my life hasn't really been my own for the last four and a half years (and to be honest, I wasn't exactly very purposeful before I came to live with mum), so I feel a bit aimless without the usual daily rituals!

I headed to the park this morning - it was very windy so there were few little birds around, but I was pleased to see this great crested grebe. I hope its partner turns up - and they manage to keep their babies safe from the predatory gulls etc etc  Some years ALL their young are taken :(

I hoped to see some boxing hares in the afternoon when I went to the wolds - but I only saw one snoozing hare all afternoon.

I visited the little owl, very briefly, and saw this heavily cropped distant green woodpecker (extra photo) - I'd love to get a close up one day.

Meanwhile ..  the rescue have sent a message asking me to be patient (about little Benji)  - and I enrolled on a toy dog and Yorkie forum where they have told me I have no hope of adopting a dog until I've dog proofed the garden.

So ..  it's a very big garden and it's impractical to do the whole thing.

I could fairly easily dog proof the area directly outside the back door, for wee-ing - not very lovely, but it could serve the purpose .. then I could fence off an area of the lawn (which would be unattached to the wee-ing area and would need me to escort the doggy to) Does that sound feasible?

Someone on the forum suggested the gaps in the fence should be no bigger than a satsuma (!!!) .. and should be 5 or 6 feet high. Seriously? For an elderly, 4 kg Yorkshire terrier? Gosh :\

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