
By zippyhippy

Day 31: Back on home soil 10k

Target: 170.76
Actual: 211.48
Ahead of target

Back in the homeland for this mornings run. All my friends were up early for a wee jaunt up the Meikle Bin in the snow but I opted for loops on concrete. Been enjoying doing my long run on a Friday over the last couple of weeks so have decided to let my week run Sunday to Saturday.

Biggest change this will bring, in addition to less 0345 rises, is no more swimming in Stirling. I am going to be able to swim in the evening closer to home. The 30 mile round trip x 3 each week was starting to get monotonous. Some mornings it was taking me 40 mins to get home due to the traffic. Add that to the 25 mins it takes to get there, that's an hour of exercise I'm missing!!! So mornings now exclusively for running, stretching and eating breakfast.

Weather fair, breakfast of porridge+raisins washed down with lashings of green tree.

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