
By zippyhippy

Day 27: a.m. Mile reps + p.m Easy = 12 miles

Target: 148.72
Actual: 199.21

I had made a plan to do some mile reps along the road beside the river. There is a bridge to cross it just down from the cottage but recent
flooding has rendered it impassible. I had found another bridge about a half a mile downstream where the road started that was still open (road and foot). I reckoned that I could have gotten two reps each way. However, after the heavy rainfall yesterday, the road was flooded. Went on to plan B. From Compston Road to the Boat dock at Waterhead was exactly a mile. Great coincidence but not the best place in the world as it was at the side of a main road with a few crossings. You can only eat your dinner with the cutlery you have on the table (I know a much ruder version of this saying) so off I went. Wasn't so bad being early in the morning.

Weather was smirry rain and 40mph gusts. Great on the way down, murder on the way back. Breakfast was green tea and chocolate croissant.

After a day at the soft play we headed back via Booths supermarket (wow!!!!) and I headed out for a wee easy paced run. Being daylight, I decided to head out along the Windermere road and turn at 4k and head home. Had vivid memories of this road from the Windermere marathon. Last time we were at 21 or so miles and I was feeling dreadful. Today, on the other hand, I had a spring in my step and a fire in my belly for running.

Rest day tomorrow. Going out for dinner and a nice bottle of vino :)

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