
By Croft16


..well not so great. This is I's grate and ash pan. I had a message on facebook today asking me to measure it for him. The bottom has rusted away, and he's going to have a new one made. 

So it's 17 inches wide, by 9 inches deep, and with 2 inch sides. I could (and probably should) have measured this in centimetres, but it was obviously manufactured to imperial measurements.

As I said in yesterdays blip, no idea what time we got in, so had a lay in this morning.

I got up around 11, and fed the animals, collected the eggs, and then too Tanni down through the croft and on to the beach. She had fun chasing and "seeing off" some geese.

Back up to the house, and made G tea in bed. And then breakfast. A proper Sunday fry up. Then had to catch up with the Archers, and then count the monies from last night.

Took J's cooking trays back, measured I's ash pan, called in at the hall to get the crate we took the haggis down in. Then on to L's to give him the money, back to the hall to collect the rubbish from last night to put in I's bin, and then on to H's to drop off something he left in the hall..

Back home for tea, and now time for a shower.. Night all..

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