
By Croft16

Burns Supper

Hectic day, went round to see J and get some trays to cook the haggis on. Then down the hall to set out tables, and set the bar up. A couple of hours, and then home to help G with the haggis.

We had 14 to cook plus one for the ceremony (in a sheeps stomach!). I guess they weighed a kilogram, maybe more, and we had 8 trays in 2 ovens, and then found that they didn't fit, so had to use one of the warming ovens turned up full. But it took time to warm up, so we had to swap them around once half cooked.

Down to the hall for 6:45 with a crate full of steaming haggis, wrapped in towels to keep them warm. And then behind the bar. The event was very well attended, and we made nearly £1000 for the Hall.

No idea what time we got home, but I think someone said it was 2:30 at one point!

This is Stuart. I missed the shot of him piping the haggis in (something to do with memory cards!). I taught him to play chess a few years ago, and quite a good player he was too.. Can't believe he's leaving high school this summer..

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