Burns Supper..

Busy day setting up for the Burns supper in the Hall. Tables fetched out, and chairs, and set up to seat an unknown number of people. Tables covered, serviettes and cutlery laid out.

Bar set up.

Starting at 3, got back home just after 5. A quick shower and change of clothes, and back down for 6 to let the band in. People started arriving around 6:30, with the address of the haggis. Did get some pictures of that from the bar at the back of the room, but in the low light, they came out a little blurred. Food was served soon after, with a choice of three soups, haggis neaps and tatties, shortbread, and tea or coffee.

All was cleared away around 8:30, and then the music and dancing started. And the drinking!

All over around 11:30, and then the tidying up, and putting away. We didn't have much Whisky left over to put away!

Had to walk S home, he'd overdone it a bit. And then back through the rain and home for around 1 to dry out.

That's more hours than when I was working!

(The background is left over from the school Christmas play!)

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