
....in the snow. I felt bad for them this morning as I watched them running around everyones' yards looking for food--it's been so cold that I haven't been out to fill up the feeders & I'll bet it's the same with my neighbors. I went and grabbed a big handful of peanuts and tossed them out the door onto the snow. The first squirrel was coming down the tree before I'd even shut the door, and 3 more followed soon after. Mostly they grab the peanuts and run, but this one must have been extra hungry, as it cracked it open right there and started eating! The peanuts were all gone in a flash, so I got the few I had left & threw them outside too. All gone in about 2 minutes!! I'll have to restock next time I run to the store, but meanwhile I DID refill the feeder, so that should hold them for awhile!    :)

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