
....tulips. I really waffled back and forth at the grocery store yesterday--they had large bunches of tulips for only $5 which is really reasonable--but what color should I get? Orange, purple, burgundy, white, yellow....but then I noticed they had miniature roses in pink and in white--so delicate....and then I spotted the gerbera daisies in orange--such brilliant color....oh, the upper shelf had hyacinths just about ready to start flowering--heavenly smell....and daffodils!!!  I must have picked up and put back 3 different bunches as I tried to make up my mind! I finally went for the sunny yellow, as it's been days since I've seen even a tiny glimpse of the sun, so these brighten it up a bit!!  Maybe NEXT week I'll get the tiny roses.....or the daisies.....or maybe the hyacinths........    :))

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