All the little birdies on Jaybird Street

I have become pre-occupied of late with the feeding of birdies.  Not just a specific birdie - all the birdies.  

Anyone who leaves anything which I consider to be remotely Bird-do-able in the fridge for more than a couple of days, loses it. 

It started with a cheeky magpie  - I lay trails of food to my window and he would sneak up slowly, freezing if he thought i was glancing in his direction, he'd work frantically, trying to squeeze as many bits and pieces in his mouth in one trip as birdly possible, and then fly off to his repository where the food must be stashed for another day - there is no way in this world that bird could eat ALL the food I've been putting out for him. 

Once the magpie started shouting at me when I got out the car in the morning, the other birds got the hint.  In between the Magpie's crazy, mad dash to and from the leftouts, two little robins, a mum and a dad, would run in, between the cars, grab whatever Magpie had left, and take off again. They don't care if I'm looking, they bounce straight up to the window and help themselves at their ease, only checking out that Magpie ain't coming back. 

Then the crows came... first there were five, I think It's a mum, dad, boy and Aunt and Uncle and they don't half make a racket and fight over the food.  They try to chase Magpie, but I think Magpie feels brave cause he was first there.     

Now there are about 11 or 12 at any one time.  One of them, Aunty I think, has a broken leg, and hobbles on the underside of her paw.  It's very distressing, but I can't exactly take her to the doctors. 

Then the Seagurls.  They are a bit of a pain in the neck. A  bit stupid, and a bit feckless.  There's always a fight when they are around and a lot of shit.  Those birds can't do anything without throwing shit in the mix. 

Despite all this,I am doing work.  It's important to break up your day.  At least I'm not knitting cardigans while I work. 

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