Dancing in the moonlight..

The two sick gals pulled together tonight; the older one slightly less effectively...

I was changing sheets and pillow cases, abeit slowly, every motion takes a five minute sit down - i threw the last lot in the Tumbly and sat on the bed to recover the pillows when i smelt a smell... not a good smell, and definitely not the same smell the house had bern reeking off for the last three nights.

Burny smell!

I wobbled thru and looked at tumble drier and yes, smoke coming out of front. :(

Yells, screams for Tooli, fiddles with knob. I cant remember how to switch it off. Eventually i did (remember and do it) but the plug was down the back and the tumbly was pretty well stuck in place.

Between us, between grunts and moans and the occasional barf (my head was
Very close to Her toxic bum) we managed - (lets be honest my baba did it all- i just held her pants )To get it unplugged - and then removed the clothes...

Then we phoned himself. -and checked that we would now be safe til he came home. He convinced us he would be; and we were, and he came home and removed the offending burny thing from the house.

And as i went upstairs to turn off the light, as I did so, i glanced at the ceiling and saw this; i don't know if you can see them, but there are stars on the ceiling; stars from the room of a little person from long ago; i had forgotten they were there but as i turned out the light their fluorescence shone thru the dark at me and i was instantly taken back to reading stories in a dimly lit room; and saying night night in the star filled darkness....

And i think im going to get more for ALL the rooms in the house :)

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