Hit by a snow storm

The snow storm has been hit the southern Finland today and there has been a lot of troubles of the huge amount of snow in Helsinki area... In the evening the storm is moving towards north, to us.

The blip is from the evening drive as we already were coming back home. We did visit he grandparents: hubby's mother had a birthday today.

Towards the night the weather was getting already quite stormy, poor visibility... Hubby driving. Fortunately almost all the drivers that we saw in the traffic, seemed to be quite reasonable, lowering their speed to fit the storm. But we also saw a couple of lucky idiots, in the second extra - the second car driving all too near of the first one at 60km/h limit area...

For the record: a nice day in work, busy in a way, but I also had a long (30minutes) lunch hour with a lot of laughing and jokes with my collaques... After which I teached my distant collaques via Google hangout in Oulu, Vaasa and Jyväskylä to our planning system. They were new using both the systems, but after the couple hour session they seemed quite happy and relaxed with all the new equipment:).

-8c today with wind. More snow coming tomorrow. Lovely!


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