-10c monday

Windy -10c and snowing. Not the easiest task to blow soap bubbles, but I tried as I got a new recipe for the solution.

There is water, powder sugar, syrup and soap in the solution.

I somehow like the shot, but will try to make another tomorrow.
I was hunting feather-like forms on the bubble surface as it freezes.
After blowing some 200 bubbles, and this was all I got.

There is strong snow storm approaching Finland during night and tuesday (and I am happy as I don't have to travel tomorrow).... Snowing did already start as I was blowing bubbles, you can maybe imagine the mess. Snow, soap and soapy napkins in the garden as I tried to save the camera from soap liquid... and me in my feather coat and cold fingers :)


Ps. RIP David Bowie. I always was actually sure that he might be an alien, and that one day he would jump into a time capsule and leave us... But now it seems that I was wrong. Anyway lovely that he visited us, always liked his music!

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