Three days left

I have started blipping at 16.1.2012.

Almost four years already.
I started blipping after a long and very hard time in my life. Only some of my nearest people did know what all had happened around and to me.

After that mangle of life, I had a time, that I reached for a new hobby, something positive to think, light and joy. Something good and relaxing to focus into.

And with a help of my friend I found you, blippers.

First of my blips were seen always over 120blippers. Once I have even reached the favourites. But it was not the best thing.

Best thing here has defenitely been you and your positive thinking, this brilliant community. No names, as you are great, all, so thank you for your friendship here! Thank you each and all!

Life has been more or less ok, for years now, I guess - nevertheless it would be nice to meet you here in the future too!

I have pledged and would like to continue here - but am also sure we will find another sites if blipworld will be closed.

(Additional note: you can find me in FB too)

Today it has been a freezing day -10c hard wind with a lot of snowing. Wind has made the snow fly into drifts. There is also piles of ploughed snow everywhere on roadsides as there has been some 15-20cm new light white stuff all over the city. Interesting winter driving conditions, as I visited my dad tonight with our daughter, as the ploughing of the streets was yet half done


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