
By Susanna

-20c day OFF

Nothing much done today. Slept late, after the long day and poor night before, record-braking 12 hours sleep! 

Short walk to the ice rink nearby, checking the condition of the surface. Seemed ok, there was two young men playing hockey, or to be excact they stood there playing and wearing skates, so I asked them about the condition.. The discussion was about like this:

Me: (standing behind the ice-rink fence) Hello, please can you tell me how is the ice today, is it already in good condition?
Young man 1: (standing on skates) Well, this is not in too good condition yet...
Me: (standing behind the ice-rink fence) OK, is it in any condition yet?
Young man 2: (standing on skates) No this is not in any condition, actually... 
Young man 1: (standing steady on skates) There is small rocks here and there.
Young man 2: (still standing steady on skates) you really can not skate yet.
Me: (standing behind the ice-rink fence) Ok, too bad, have to wait then. Thank you a lot, have a nice evening!
Young men: (still standing on skates) "Thanks!!!"

They had guts and high hopes using skates already... No use for ice-skates as you can not skate. But feeling is maybe better!? :) No use telling you of course, that it is useless or even dangerous to skate, if there is any rocks on ice.

In my younghood, I would remember, that the outdoor icerinks were much quicker in excellent condition than today. Maybe workmen are fired or moved to some more profitable jobs? Momey must talk today!? Or maybe time only makes my memories golden!...

Anyway - apparently we still have to wait a little to be able to skate on outdoor rink;) 

In the blip there is our apple tree. Frozen -20c. Tomorrow will be windy day.


ps Have you already pledged fot Blipfoto future? I have, it would be nice to continue with you... so please, welcome on board!?

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