Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A healthy breakfast?

Fried banana instead of blueberries with eggy bread panettone, bacon and maple syrup today for breakfast. Very healthy, I'm sure. Except it wasn't breakfast, nor was it brunch, nor even lunch. I looked at the clock and it was 3 o'clock! So it must have been afternoon tea we were having. Jings - where do the days go?

However, Archie had been out for his morning walkies, and later for a big walk in the Meadows with JR, who then flooded the bathroom by turning on the hand shower thingie to wash Archie's muddy paws, but left it dangling, and it swung around to quietly spray everwhere while she came to supervise me making breakfast brunch lunch afternoon tea. Bad words were said.

I had popped out to buy some milk, and noticed two young ladies tugging at a wee dog who appeared a tad unwilling to accompany them in their chosen direction, so they picked him up. Then I knew it was Rufus! He famously does not like being away from his mum for a moment, even though various people want to take him out. Very funny.

We have returned to watching Mad Men - no blood and gore, no gruesome murders - just everyone trying hard to kill themselves by smoking and drinking constantly.

Saw my first Christmas tree being chucked out. JR gets quite sad - she'd like twinkling lights in every bay window all winter. It makes me sad too, because I want to drag them all back and chop them up for firewood, even though I know it's a silly idea - the needles drop off everywhere. And it's too much like hard work. A couple of years ago, when my wee wood fire was new fangled, I dragged loads of them back to my front garden. I will not be doing that this year. No, I will not.

PS; ''Why didn't you put that placemat straight? It'll annoy me for ever now...' (JR)

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