Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Arthur's Seat

A glorious day, 6°, no wind - perfect for a stroll up Arthur's Seat. For half the population of Edinburgh, at least, but not for us two old fogies!

We did stroll stagger up the easy slope and conquered a wee small hillock nearby, and were rewarded with fantastic enough views in all directions.

Archie just loved it - charging around, hither and thither, though never very far away, and even when he did run off with another dog, he always came back. One wee spaniel was so fast, Archie did his hilarious running and yelping/squeaking because he just could not keep up. He disappeared back up over the hill with the spaniel, but we just waited (being incapable of walking back up the hill) and he eventually came running back.

He has spent the rest of afternoon zonked out on my lap. I have spent the rest of the afternoon just zonked out.

It's definitely a brilliant dog walk. Just a pity that the Cooncil, in their wisdom, shut the whole park off to motorists on Sundays thereby excluding many families, old folk, dog owners... They say it's for cyclists and walkers... but cyclists, walkers and cars all share the park happily every other day.

A vomit- free car trip!

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